taking Action - Tree plantation - Mission Green Earth )
The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.
Herbert Spencer(1820 - 1903) British Philosopher
Herbert Spencer(1820 - 1903) British Philosopher
In September 2000, 189 Heads of Nations came together to commit to work together to build a safer, more prosperous and equitable world for all by 2015 at the United Nations Millennium Summit, which gave birth to the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In 2007, in an extraordinary initiative called Stand Up and Speak Out, assisted by governments and NGOs all over the world, a staggering 43.7 million people spread over 127 countries stood up within 24 hours and took an oath to end poverty. In 2008, the campaign is called Stand Up and Take Action.
One of the MDGs is to “ensure environmental sustainability”. Global warming is no longer “somebody else's” problem.
Green Earth is a commitment to plant 100 million trees and have a 100 million people stand up and take the oath on October 17, 18 or 19, 2008.
Indore AOL team has already geared up for this historic event.

great intiative by AOL members.I also want to be a member of this pretigious activity.how can i join you.
Dear Gavish,
We are approaching various colleges/Schools/Institutions with AOL & UN letters for the mission green earth & stand up & take action. People are participating enthusiastically. As we know everybody should atleast plant 16 trees in our lifetime. Than only we can give good life to our childrens
hi this is the first time i visited any blog site . but truely it is a very good work done by u and your team . keep it up
sanjay dagaonkar
hi sachin this is for the first time i have visited any blog site as i m just a beginer in internet .But still its very nice wey to help protect our planet .good work ,keep it up
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